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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Esther Chapter 6


est 6:0


Est 6:1, Ahasuerus, reading in the chronicles of the good service done by Mordecai, takes care for his reward; Est 6:4, Haman, coming to sue that Mordecai might be hanged, gives counsel that he might do him honour; Est 6:12, Complaining of this, his friends tell him of his final destiny.

Esther 6:1

est 6:1

that night: Est 5:8; Gen 22:14; Sa1 23:26, Sa1 23:27; Isa 41:17; Rom 11:33

could not the king sleep: Heb. the king's sleep fled away, Dan 2:1, Dan 6:18

the book of records: As chronicles were composed among the Persians, a more instructive and interesting work could not be brought before the king; because they were all written in verse, and were generally the work of the most eminent poets of the empire. Est 2:23; Mal 3:16

Esther 6:2

est 6:2

Bigthana: Est 2:21, Bigthan

door: Heb. threshold

Esther 6:3

est 6:3

What honour: Jdg 1:12, Jdg 1:13; Sa1 17:25, Sa1 17:26; Ch1 11:6; Dan 5:7, Dan 5:16, Dan 5:29; Act 28:8-10

There is nothing: Gen 40:23; Psa 118:8, Psa 118:9; Ecc 9:15

Esther 6:4

est 6:4

Who is in the court: Pro 3:27, Pro 3:28; Ecc 9:10

the outward: Est 4:11, Est 5:1

to speak: Est 3:8-11, Est 5:14, Est 7:9; Job 5:13; Psa 2:4, Psa 33:19

Esther 6:6

est 6:6

whom the king: etc. Heb. in whose honour the king delighteth, Psa 35:27; Isa 42:1, Isa 62:4, Isa 62:5; Jer 32:41; Mat 3:17; Joh 5:23

To whom: Est 3:2, Est 3:3, Est 5:11; Pro 1:32, Pro 16:18, Pro 18:12, Pro 30:13; Oba 1:3

Esther 6:7

est 6:7

whom the king: etc. Heb. in whose honour the king delighteth, Est 6:9, Est 6:11

Esther 6:8

est 6:8

Let the royal: etc. Heb. Let them bring the royal apparel, wherewith the king clotheth himself. Sa1 18:4; Luk 15:22

the horse: Herodotus relates, that the kings of Persia had horses peculiar to themselves, which were brought from Armenia, and were remarkable for their beauty; and if the same law prevailed in Persia as in Judea, no man, under the penalty of death, might ride on the king's horse, any more than sit on his throne, wear his crown, or hold his sceptre. Kg1 1:33

Esther 6:9

est 6:9

bring him: Heb. cause him to ride

proclaim: Gen 41:43; Kg1 1:33, Kg1 1:34; Zac 9:9

Esther 6:10

est 6:10

Make haste: Dan 4:37; Luk 14:11; Rev 18:7

let nothing fail: Heb. suffer not a whit to fall, Kg2 10:10

Esther 6:11

est 6:11

took Haman: Ezr 6:13; Isa 60:14; Luk 1:52; Rev 3:9

and arrayed: Est 8:15, Est 9:3

the street: Pitts gives a similar account of the mode of honouring a person who turns a Mohammedan, at Algiers: "The apostate is to get on a stately steed, with a rich saddle and fine trappings. he is also richly habited, and has a turban on his head, but nothing of this is to be called his own; only there are given him about two or three yards of broad cloth, which is laid before him on the saddle. The horse, with him on his back, is led all round the city, which he is several hours in doing. The apostate is attended with drums and other music, and twenty or thirty serjeants. They march in order on each side of the horse, with naked swords in their hands. The crier goes before, with a loud voice giving thanks to God for the proselyte that is made.

Esther 6:12

est 6:12

came again: Est 2:19; Sa1 3:15; Psa 131:1, Psa 131:2

hasted to his house: Sa2 17:23; Kg1 20:43, Kg1 21:4; Ch2 26:20; Job 20:5

having: Est 7:8; Sa2 15:30; Job 9:24; Jer 14:3, Jer 14:4

Esther 6:13

est 6:13

Zeresh: Est 5:10-14

said his wise: Gen 41:8; Dan 2:12

If Mordecai: Gen 40:19; Sa1 28:19, Sa1 28:20; Job 15:24; Dan 5:26-28; Zac 12:2, Zac 12:3

but shalt surely: Job 16:2; Pro 28:18; Hos 14:9

Esther 6:14

est 6:14

hasted to bring: Est 5:8, Est 5:14; Deu 32:35, Deu 32:36

Next: Esther Chapter 7